Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
  We told you we would post about The new room :D Well here you go we won't keep you waiting   a new room opened up - the Sol Arcade. The Pillow Room was replaced by the arcade And the Pillow room Was replaced by the Sol Arcade. To get to the arcde, go to Jamaa Township and go to where the pillow room use to be:

Here is what the inside looks like:

Since it's a new room, it's pretty crowded. There are tons of games in here!

The Claw:

Here are more game machines:

More game machines:

More games, a closed off room, and a... meteor?

More games (yay, Fruit Slinger!)

Even more games:

Click on this UFO thing to open the shop:

Here is what they sell:

 So that's why the game machines were remived from the Mystery Emporium - the games were moved to this shop! There is also new Fruit Slinger and Pilbugs machines.

There is also a new game - Phantom Invasion!

This game costs 10 gems to play.

To play, press one of the buttons that say "FIRE".

If you pick the right color, you will destroy the alien phantom, and win a prize!

You will get an animal toy! They are small den items. Here is how big they are when you put them in your den:

They can all be recyled for 45 gems.

Here are all the toys you can get:

 I believe there is also a seal toy.

There is a covered up machine in Sol Arcade too.

Maybe it's going to be a combonation of every game in Jamaa?

Finally, the game that gives x2 gems this update is... Eat 'Em Up
Cottoncandy732 & Born2Cuddle

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