Monday, February 27, 2012

Hey awesome jammers,
 We are SO sorry about not posting anything for a WHOLE WEEK! Sorry about that D: . Well Today is 'Rare item Monday' again so out only today is 'Lionfish Armor' So make sure you get your 'Lionfish Armor'!!!! It's only for underwater animals and you can get it in 'Bahari  Bargains' .Here is the picture

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers, 
 Today is Monday witch means -Drum Roll- Rare Item Monday!!! Yay! Well today in Jam-Mart-Clothing, you can get 'Fox Hats'  Yay Here is a picture sorta
     So get yours Today :) 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
Penguins are here!!!!!!
And... they are for members only. That's a disappointment...
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, penguins can also go under water.
They made some changes to the "My Animals" page...
Now you have to pay gems to get a new animal. Before, if you deleted an animal, you would get to make a new one for free, but now you have to pay 1000 gems every time! :'(
There is new toys in the Phantom Invasion game in the Sol Arcade. The game is also different now.
To play the game, just click "Fire" at the right time.
The game certainly is easier! I wonder if you can get seal toys now...
I won this penguin toy:
There is also a new party.

There are 2 new Jam a Grams...
And the winning Jam a Gram from the Jam a Gram Contest is...

This one was my friend DoomDesire's entry:
Speaking of leap years...

In Jam Mart Clothing...
Curly Wings, come in these colors...

In the Music Shop, you can get Sol Arcade music.
In the Animal Museum, you can get the new Penguin Banner:
you can get the new penguin haman statue in the Mystery Emporium:
                                               members can get this new badge for your nametag:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
 Today the 'Daily Explorer' Posted about the New Animal soon to be available in jamaa :) So here are some facts about the new penguins :)

Here are some fun facts about Adélie Penguins:
  • The Adélie Penguin is the smallest species of penguin to be found in the Antarctic;
  • Adélie Penguins breed and raise their young farther south than any other penguin;
  • Adélie Penguins can live to be up to 20 years old;
  • A colony of Adélie Penguins can be made up of 100 to 250,000 pairs of birds;
  • There are about 5 million Adélie Penguins in the world living in 38 different colonies (that seems like a lot, but in the last 25 years Adélie penguin populations have dropped by 65% due to sea ice reduction and scarcity of food);
  • The Adélie Penguin was named in 1840 by French explorer Jules Dumont d’Urville after his wife, Adélie;
  • The penguins in the 2005 animated feature film Madagascar are presumed to be Adélie Penguins, and the main character in the 2006 film Happy Feet is an Emperor Penguin who befriends a group of Adélie Penguins with a Mexican accent. 
  •                                 TTYL,
  •                              Cottoncandy732
  •                                      &
  •                              Born2Cuddle

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hi Awesome jammers!
 Today we were in jamaa and saw someone saying "Send me all your items or I will report you!!". Weird, huh? If you want to know there user then it is "Alysray13" So.. ya. 

    And There are TWO new things is Jam-Mart-Clothing.  The first one is  Hearts Antennae Headband You can get this for only 300 gems. And the second one is Medusa Mask You can buy it for only 900 gems!!! :D That's it!   Thanks! Bye!
         CottonCandy732 &Born2Cuddle

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
   We Found this new item in Mt. Shiveer. It's called the Winter Blanket Here is a picture :)

These are the Colors they come in :)
Pick your up today! lol

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
 Today we were looking at the new post on 'The Daily Explorer' And there was this adorable Wallpaper :) Well we thought we would share this with you! :) TTYL, CottonCandy732 & Born2Cuddle
Hey Awesome Jammers,
 Today We were looking at the different Servers for Animal Jam and we noticed some new ones. :D The Names are 
   Sawtooth Himalyas Cascades Wasatch Culgoa those are all the new servers :) TTYL, CottonCandy732 & Born2Cuddle
Hey Awesome Jammers,
  Today is Monday! Witch in jamaa means Rare Mondays. So we were looking in every store and we found gloves in Jam-Mart-Clothing:)                 
                     So Yes 2500 Gems!  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hey Awesome Jammers,
 Animal Jam has a new party! It's called the Friendship Festival :)(CottonCandy732) It going to be there :) she is super excited! So .... 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hello Awsome Jammers!  We Would Love For You To Become Our Member! Please Do :) Today (me) CottonCandy732 Hosted a Rare Trading Party and I could not even get into my own den!Funny that. Well I am going to try to have a Rare trading party everyday :D i am Excited! are you? We are going to be having a Prize Giveaway Everyday It might even be a Rare????? Well thanks for reading again and hope you Return with a friend or 2 :)
     TTYL (Talk To Ya Later)
Hey Awesome Jammers,
    Today we were looking at the different Stores around Jamaa, And if you were on last night you would have seen the Message that popped up on the screen from Aj HQ that said "Hurry The Royal Garden At Epic Wonders Will Be Leaving Jamaa Soon" So of course We Bought one and the next morning we came on there was a new garden!!! We like this one better than the other one :) Here is a Picture:

And The one above this is the Royal Garden 
Sorry It's SO blurry Anyways